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Discuss With Your Surgeon About Urological Surgery

Many people may think that urological concerns are part of normal aging. These conditions can be serious if they are not treated. It is best to see your doctor if you have any urological issues. There are many treatments for urological problems. 

Sometimes your consultant urological surgeon might recommend an operation. Discuss with your consultant urological surgeon the potential risks and benefits of the operation. You can also contact urology specialists at

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As with any surgery, urological procedures can pose risks and dangers. Ask your surgeon before you go to have the surgery. You may need to seek another opinion if necessary. It is important to ensure that the best treatment has been recommended for you. 

You can be sure that the top urologists in the field will explain to you all the risks associated with the surgery. You will be offered other options and answer all your questions.

Let's now talk about the potential risks associated with urological surgeries. These will allow you to ask the right questions of your surgeon and aid in your preparation for the operation.

Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP), for example, is a popular surgery used to treat BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypoplasia). 

The procedure does not require an external incision. Instead, an instrument is inserted through your urethra into the prostate to access the obstruction tissue. TURP is less traumatizing than an open operation, which requires an external incision. It also takes a shorter time to recover.