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Does osteoarthritis affect the foot?

Osteoarthritis is now a significantly frequent condition in modern society, especially as the population ages. Any joint in the body can be impacted. The impact of that osteoarthritis is far more acutely experienced on the load bearing joints and not any more so than the foot. We need the foot to walk around on so if the foot is impacted then the impacts on the well being is usually significant. A recent occurrence of PodChatLive has been dedicated to the subject of osteoarthritis and the foot. PodChatLive is a live on Facebook with a couple of hosts who have on an expert each week to talk about all sorts of themes. It is later available as an audio version as well as transferred to YouTube.

In the live about osteoarthritis, they talked with Jill Halstead about the concept of osteoarthritis and also, more to the point, the use and type of terminology used around the word. They pointed out the prevalence of osteoarthritis impacting on the foot as well as the connection which it needs to load and just what the treatment possibilities of its manifestation within the feet are. Dr Jill Halstead is a podiatrist in the United Kingdom and she has worked in the area of foot osteoarthritis more than 10 years largely at the University of Leeds with Professors Redmond, Keenan and also other top rheumatologists. She commenced her work in 2007 as part of her master’s thesis which looked over midfoot osteoarthritis and Charcot’s feet and published her very first paper in this subject in 2010. Since then she finished her PhD in 2013 that considered midfoot pain and the function of foot orthoses in prodromal osteoarthritis. She was able to expand this model to radiographic midfoot osteoarthritis. Her main focus is in the clinical signs of midfoot osteoarthritis, what are the functional biomarkers of foot osteoarthritis, just what is the association involving MRI results and pain and also the clinical interventions for osteoarthritis with foot supports.