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Reasons Animated Explanation Videos Kill High Bounce Rates

The feeling of isolation breaks when people leave your website at a glance, right? The result is no leads, no commitments, no conversions, no sales, nothing. 

To stop these evil forces from growing and to take everything you need, here is an animated video. This is the only way you can explain in a fun and engaging way who you are, what you do and how you are prepared to solve the problems of your audience.

Video production allows you to communicate and bring your ideas to life. Let's take a look at three key skills that prove why interpretive animated videos have superhero qualities that can save your day:

Reasons Animated Explanation Videos Kill High Bounce Rates

Image Source: Google

You reduce anxiety

Do not feel pressured. With an animated explanatory video on your landing page, you will quickly see the audience and are guaranteed that they will last an average of 2 minutes longer.

Help for seo growth

You should be able to detect the dropout rate and your animated video should have the ability to turn it off. Visitors stay on your site longer and eventually become customers. Animated videos appear on Google's first few pages 53 times more than plain text.

This is the best way to convert visitors into customers

Keep in mind that animated interpretive videos that are longer than 2 minutes sometimes work differently because viewers don't quickly get a business idea, leaving it in the middle and not watching it in full.

However, if it is expertly prepared and takes less than 2 minutes, you have a 65% higher chance of converting customers into visitors, reducing the crime rebound rate, and leaving them useless.

Create animated videos to describe your brand, increase page time, increase conversion rates, and increase dropout rates once and for all.