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Facts About Gum Disease

Although all of the gum diseases can be serious, the mildest form is a gum inflammation known as gingivitis. A person suffering from gingivitis has red, swollen gums that are prone to bleeding during brushing and flossing daily. Although bleeding gums are usually painless or only slightly tender.

Periodontitis causes the gums to pull away from the teeth and form pockets that can become infected. If not treated promptly and properly, periodontitis can lead to tooth loss and severe damage to the bones, gums and connective tissue that support the teeth. If you want to get the best gum disease treatment, then you can visit

As bad as that is, the problems caused by periodontitis go even deeper. Gum disease can cause your body to react with an inflammatory response that can contribute to heart problems.

Inflammatory markers present in the blood indicate inflammation associated with gum disease can spread throughout the body and contribute to the accumulation of plaque in the inner walls of the arteries.

Clearly, early detection and treatment of gum disease are important for your overall health, so let's see gingivitis and periodontitis, two forms of gum disease.


Gingivitis is the result of plaque deposits that have been allowed to remain for long periods of time on the surface of the tooth is exposed. Plaque is a sticky color film consists of food debris, bacteria and mucus.

This is the main cause of tooth decay and will harden into tartar if not removed from the teeth regularly. If allowed to form, tartar becomes trapped at the base of the tooth, where he and plaque irritate and inflame the gums.