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What Is Endometriosis And How Can This Affect Female Fertility?

Endometriosis is a disease that affects 5%-10% of girls of reproductive age. Clinically, endometriosis is when the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) creates little nests or cysts from different regions of the gut where it doesn’t naturally occur, like the muscles of the uterus and especially the ovaries. 

These cysts become larger if they aren’t treated. Also, it affects the fertility of a woman as endometriosis is connected to infertility. For more information on endometriosis and fertility treatment visits

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The disease gets especially painful during puberty, once the nests or cysts from the uterus liner meet blood that’s released. The blood will then extend the uterus, resulting in dysmenorrhoea, the scientific name for period pains.

The common symptoms of endometriosis are as follows:

  • Dysmenorrhoea/Painful periods. This may come with heavy periods with acute clotting. Spotting between periods may also happen.
  • Pain in the pelvic area and lower back. From time to time, there’s also pain in the legs and thighs.

Infertility may also lead to acute circumstances.

It’s claimed that there’s not a cure for Endometriosis and the only real relief for victims is menopause, actual or clinically determined. But, there are numerous treatments available for women who have Endometriosis which were attempted with varying levels of success. Since it’s a state of the reproductive organs, hormonal medicine was demonstrated to relieve symptoms and slow down the increase of the Endometrium.

Another treatment includes the choice of many forms of operation. This is normally used on ladies that are nevertheless of a fertile age but childless. Thus, several females have prescribed fertility medications or get IVF after their process, which is just another element that might be a cause of their fertility.

That’s how Endometriosis is interconnected with Female fertility.