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Follow The Flexible Schedule By Baby Sleep Consultants

At this young age, rocking, feeding, or petting your baby is good because you won't be creating negative sleep associations that need to be corrected later. Your goal is to put your baby to sleep. If you see any of these signs, act quickly and help him fall asleep so he doesn't get tired, which is making it hard for both of you to sleep.

Don't be discouraged if your baby isn't ready to learn to fall asleep. Many babies aren't ready for sleep practice until they're six months old, and it's a good idea to take a break if you're both feeling frustrated.

Top baby sleep app can give the advice to follow when parents are desperate for sleep. Even if your bedtime routine includes eating and petting, that's fine, but don't add swaying to sleep. Expanding your baby's crutches list means more work later on. While it's a good idea to use the tools you have at your disposal to help you fall asleep, use what works instead of introducing new techniques.

You may also find that during this time your baby is actually growing as his body changes and develops, which can lead to more sleep. So watch out for these sleep signals!

Yes, these are tough times, but you will be amazed at the new discoveries your baby will be making these weeks. You may find that your baby is learning to turn or you may begin to master the sitting position. This change in development is both exciting and exhausting for them. 

Babies thrive on consistency and routine, so make sure you take care of them. If you haven't already, this is a great time to create a relaxing bedtime routine of 3-4 items that you can use before bed. 

You can cut back on the same amount of bedtime, skip the bathroom, and pick just one or two items from your nightly routine so your baby learns that it's time for bed. Make sure you schedule successive feedings in your flexible schedule so your baby doesn't get hungry, especially as he grows.