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Tips and Advice on How to Keep your Tree Healthy

When it comes to caring for trees, there are a few things you should know. Arborists Vancouver BC can help you with all the necessary tips and advice on how to keep your tree healthy and happy. Here are some basics:

1. Watering: One of the most important things you can do for your tree is water it regularly. Make sure to check the soil surface for dry spots and water them well before they get too dry again. Arborists recommend watering trees in the morning or early evening when the soil is coolest, so as not to disturb their roots.

You may Click this link if you want more information about Tree arborists in vancouver bc.

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2. Fertilizing: Another thing you should do is fertilize your tree annually with a balanced fertilizer that contains both nitrogen and phosphorus. Apply the fertilizer in the summer when growth begins, making sure to spread it evenly across the root zone using a sprayer or hand applicator.

3. Pruning: You should also prune your tree regularly to avoid overgrowth and protect it from potential damage from weather conditions, insects, or other animals. pruning shouldn’t be done during warm weather as this can cause injury or even death of the plant. Remember to always use a saw that is sharp enough not to cut into bark – this will prevent future damage and improve tree health overall!

4. Maintaining Boundaries: Last but not least, make sure to maintain proper boundaries around your tree by keeping lawn mowing short and  shrubs trimmed back. This will help to protect your tree from wind and other elements and keep the area around it looking tidy and attractive.