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How To Choose The Perfect Automotive Vinyl Decal Design

Decorating your vehicle with vinyl decals is a great way to show off your personality and make your vehicle stand out from the crowd. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to decide on the perfect design. Here are some tips to help you choose the ideal custom vinyl decal design. 

First, consider the size of the decal. You want to make sure it’s big enough to be noticed, but not so big that it’s overwhelming. If you’re placing the decal on the side of your vehicle, make sure it’s not too wide. On the other hand, if you’re putting it on the back window, you can go a bit bigger. 

Next, think about the color of the decal. You want the color to complement your vehicle’s paint job, so consider the color of your car before you make your final decision. For example, if your vehicle is a bright red, a yellow or orange decal might look nice.Third, look for a decal that reflects your personality. 

If you’re a fan of a certain sports team, you’ll probably want to find a decal with their logo or mascot. Or, if you’re an animal lover, you might choose a decal with a cute animal design. Finally, make sure the decal is easy to apply. If you’re not a DIY expert, you’ll want to make sure the decal is easy to install. Some decals come with instructions and even a tool to make the installation process smoother.