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Ways To Enhance The Fragrance Of Your Home With Candle Fragrance Oils

Candle fragrance oils are a convenient and rewarding way to add some additional fragrance to your home. They are affordable, they come in a variety of scents, and they can be used with any candle you'd like. When it comes right down to it, buying or making candles is cheaper than buying candles which smell great!

Here are a few ways to use candle fragrance oils in your home:

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1. Add a drop or two of fragrance oil to a votive or paraffin candle before lighting it.

2. Place a diffuser near the area you want to scent, such as an entryway or bedroom.

3. Fill a small bowl with water and add a few drops of fragrance oil. Insert the bowl into the main air circulation stream in your home, like near an open window. The oil will distribute throughout the room in minutes!

4. Use candles as room fresheners by placing them in high traffic areas, such as near windows or doorways.

5. Install scents in decorative items, such as vases, urns, and picture frames.

Candles are a wonderful way to add a touch of fragrance to any room in your home. Not only do they provide a nice ambiance, but many candle fragrances also have amazing aromatherapy properties that can help improve overall well-being.