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The Benefits Of Buying Jute Rugs And How To Choose The Right One in NZ

Jute rugs are a type of textile that's made from the fibrous pith and bast of the jute plant. They come in a variety of colors and patterns and can be used both indoors and outdoors. If you're looking for an attractive way to add character and style to your home, jute rugs may just be a perfect choice.

There is no denying that jute rugs purchased via add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. Moreover, they are a practical choice as they are both durable and weather resistant. When it comes to choosing the right jute rug, there are several things to take into consideration.

There are some of the most important ones.  First, you need to decide what purpose the rug will serve in your home. If it is primarily used as a floor covering, then go for a large one that will cover most of the floor. If, on the other hand, you plan on using it for decorating purposes or for seating areas, consider buying a smaller one that can be moved around according to your needs.

Another thing to keep in mind when shopping for a jute rug is its material composition. The most common types of jute rugs are woven from 100% jute fiber and contain natural dyes which often come with beautiful colors and patterns. If you want a rug that will last longer and resist dirt and stains better, go for one made from 80% or even 60% jute fiber mixed with 40% synthetic fibers.